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Monday, 29 June 2020

Story Of Mobile Legends: Atlas


The dark, cold and mysterious deep sea is the last unexplored frontier in the Land of Dawn. Along the road from the surface, the sun fades and the temperature drops, deeper then, there is nothing but only total darkness. Called the Abysmal Sea, here the currents and high pressure are strong enough to tear up, even the sophisticated material Eruditio had created.

This place is rightfully considered to be a forbidden zone of life, where no human has ever set foot. Only the remnants of a civilization that were abandoned and eliminated were sunk down to the bottom and piled up. Even so, it's not just death here. Many untrustworthy and indescribable creatures, including Atlas, have struggled and multiplied for centuries in this dangerous area.

They are one of the oldest living things in the Land of Dawn, devouring elemental creatures for power and survivability, which, however, made them imprisoned in this deepest place, by the Ancient People. Strong injections block light, heat, and paths above them, preventing their access to the world outside. To adapt to these high-pressure environments, the creatures have subsequently evolved, removing excessive shells and structures and developing various forms of liquid-like anti-matter.

In the endless darkness, there are no fights or disputes, only the law of survival: existence, change, and circulation. However, after the passage few centuries, things gradually changed and the law began to wither. Change does not originate from under the sea, but comes from above. The succession of civilizations and ongoing wars affected not only land, but also the oceans.

Everything began to deteriorate and the creatures in the Abysmal Sea, who were in a very bad condition, could no longer adapt to even worse situations. Withering and death comes without warning as the Abysmal creatures were forced to watch their detoriorating habitat. The biggest of them were the first to compete. These giant fibrous creatures withered their tentacles and bodies to rush up, but only to be halted and torn apart because of the Injunction.

Others couldn't understand their destiny, but they knew they needed a change, a change that was the instinct of all living things. Therefore, they began their efforts in trying to break the Orders. But the only prisoner who finally got rid of the Abysmal Sea was Atlas. As the most experienced individual, he felt change faster than his kind, when the Abysmal Sea was involved in it's ruins. He was the first to prepare for an escape.

Torn flesh warned other creatures that their bodies were highly vulnerable to extraordinary strength. To break an order, Atlas realized that he must regain a rigid shell. Atlas continued to roam and search within the depths of the darkness. Until one day, under a pile of remains of a past civilization, he found his destined shell, Mecha Sentry, a set of giant ancient machine armor.

These big manually operated armours were in fact, produced as war machines by the Iceland Golem, who had ruled the Northern Vale until their extinction, that is, the fall of the ancient golems. After which, they were abandoned by later civilizations, dumped into the sea, and completely isolated and forgotten by the world. Atlas slowly approached the Mecha Center, finding it rotting on the ocean floor, like a piece of rusting iron that was rigid, due to the loss of a control core.

He then entered the center of the machine core, stretching out its tentacles, injecting it into each joint, and began to take control. Along with a roar, Mecha Sentry who had been sleeping for thousands of years, turned on his energy powered eyes again. The forgotten body and the soul left behind became perfectly combined and joined together.

The giant Mecha Sentry broke through the Injunction and rushing from the inside to the surface, Atlas jumped into the raging sea. That was when the world welcomed Atlas's new player, Ironclad Kraken. Atlas felt strange and curious about this new world. He visited most of all the places, that could be reached via the sea, driven by a desire to learn about this world and strengthen himself.

He frantically withdrew knowledge from all kinds of creatures, races, and civilizations. Meanwhile, his control over Mecha Sentry became increasingly proficient. It seemed as if the machine was originally made for him. But no matter how long it passed. Atlas was always haunted by thoughts - its kind were still struggling in the Abysmal Sea, the largest prison and the farthest place in the known world. Now, Atlas not only had a hard armor but also a plan.

He would break the Commandment between the Abysmal Sea and the world, save his kind from an eternal prison. But for that he needed an ancient relic, there was a secret treasure known only to the pirates who were hidden somewhere in the Frozen seas of Northern Vale. It had the power to regenerate, and also possessed enough strength and energy to change the ecology of the whole ocean. Atlas wanted it, from the first time, he studied it's past story.

Find some tenses and Change into passive/active voice.
A: He then entered the center of the machine core (simple past tense)
P: The center of the machine core was entered then by him

P: They were abandoned by later civilizations (simple past tense)
A: Later civilizations abandoned them

A: They needed a change (simple past tense)
P: Change was needed by them

A: He felt change faster than his kind (simple past tense)
P: Change faster than his kind was felt by him

A: Atlas realized that he must regain a rigid shell (simple past tense)
P: A must regain a rigid shell was realized by Atlas.

A: Atlas jumped into the raging sea (simple past tense)
P: The raging sea was jumped in by Atlas

A: Atlas felt strange and curious about this new world (simple past tense)
P: Strange and curious were felt by Atlas about this new world

A: Iceland Golem, who had ruled the Northern Vale until their extinction (past perfect tense)
P: Northern Vale had been ruled by Iceland Golem until their extinction

A: Mecha Sentry who had been sleeping for thousands of years (past perfect continuous tense)
P: Thousand of years had been being slept by Mecha Sentry 

A: He needed an ancient relic (simple past tense)
P: An ancient relic was needed by Atlas

Sunday, 5 April 2020

Subject Verb Agreement

What is Subject-Verb Agreement?

Subject verb agreement refers to the fact that the subject and verb in a sentence must agree in number. In other words, they both must be singular or they both must be plural. You can’t have a singular subject with a plural verb or vice versa. The tricky part is in knowing the singular and plural forms of subjects and verbs.

Singular subject must be accompanied by singular verb, plural subject must be accompanied by plural verb.
ex : She writes letter for her scholarship application

If there is a noun phrase containing "of", then the verb is recognized as a subject and followed by the form is the noun before of.
ex : The biggest slice of pizza is given to my brother

The singular subject associated with or, either / or, and neither / nor use the singular verb.
ex : Black or white does not matter, it's still monochrome

If the two subjects in the sentence are different (singular / plural), the verb in the sentence that has or, either / or, and neither / nor follows the closest subject.
ex : My dad or my uncle is going to pick me up

Two subjects that are linked to and use a plural verb (unless the subject is a compound noun).
ex : 2nd year students and 3rd year students have to take this assignment

If there are additional phrases (along with ...,as well as..., besides..., not..., etc) separating subject and verb, those phrases are not considered in the agreement.
ex : Love, as well as hatred, is something every human has

In sentences that use there or here, the subject is usually behind the verb, and the verb must still follow the subject.
ex : Here is the book you borrowed yesterday

Singular verb can be used for plural subjects, as long as the plural subject is considered as singular in the context of the sentence.
ex : At concert, the crowd is screaming their idol's name

In sentences that use determiner a lot of, all, some, etc, verb follows the form of the subject that precedes it.
ex : Some program is being fixed by programmer

In sentences that use collective noun (family, team, population, etc), you can use plural or singular verb.
ex : My family is the most valuable things i have ever had

Verb to be "were" can be used in any sentence to indicate contrast / presupposition conditions, no matter the subject is singular or plural.
ex : if I were you, i would buy the cheapest one

Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Contoh Grafik Komputer
  1. Pengertian Grafik

    Grafik merupakan sebuah gambar yang merupakan kombinasi garis dan titik, serta dibuat sengaja dari tangan manusia. Ilmu grafik komputer yaitu ilmu komputer berkaitan dengan pembuatan dan manipulasi gambar secara digital, dimana bentuk sederhananya grafik komputer 2D, lalu nanti berkembang menjadi grafik komputer 3D,pemrosesan citra,pengenalan pola. Grafik komputer ini juga bisa disebut sebagai visualisasi data.
  2. Pengertian Citra

    Citra adalah, gambar hasil replika atau duplikat dari pandangan mata manusia menjadi gambar digital yang sama persis dengan apa yang dilihat. Ilmu pengolahan citra yaitu gambar yang diinput ke dalam proses pengolahan citra ( citra itu gambar yang diperoleh dari alat pengambilan gambar ( contoh : mata manusia, kamera, scanner dan lain-lain)) yang sudah tersedia sehingga mudah diinterpretasikan oleh manusia atau komputer dengan melakukan transformasi suatu citra menjadi citra baru yang lain.
Contoh Gambar Citra
  1. Implementasi pada Pengolahan Grafik

    1. Media Kreatif Digital
        Seperti pembuatan poster, brosur, spanduk, pamflet, banner, dan lain lain.
        Software pendukung: CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator, Paint.

    2. Hiburan
        Pada dunia hiburan, pengolahan grafik mengalami banyak evolusi, mulai dari 2 dimensi hingga 3 dimensi. Tokoh kartun merupakan salah satu contoh pengolahan grafik pada bidang hiburan.

    3. Pendidikan
        Untuk menyampaikan dan memaparkan materi ilmiah, seseorang tentu membutuhkan media penyampaian yang informatif dan menarik agar penerima dapat mudah mengerti. Contoh: PowerPoint dan Auto CAD
  2. Implementasi pada Pengolahan Citra

    1. Karya Seni
        Salah satu jenis karya seni yang memanfaatkan pengolahan citra adalah fotografi.

    2. Media Informasi
        Pengolahan citra dalam penyampaian informasi ada berbagai macam jenisnya, seperti GPS.

    3. Kesehatan dan Forensik
        Pada dunia kedokteran, pengolahan citra dilakukan untuk membantu dokter dalam pengambilan keputusan, sehingga bisa dijadikan bahan pendukung dan bukti agar dokter tidak salah memvonis atau memutuskan. Contohnya USG, Scan Sidik Jari.

Saturday, 14 October 2017

Where's My Happiness?📱: Don't be slaved by technologies

     Hey, Guys! I want to share my opinion about nowadays influences, that makes people really forget where their body is, when they forget blessings they may have, feel ungrateful for their happiness. Yup, it's called social media, where people can share their moment to everyone to this every particular world. It such a good thing for us because it let you know what your friends are doing, or maybe their current feelings and where they've been last summer. You may know their existence without asking them in person. Or, people share their creativity, their ideas, and also their skills which made us self improved to be a better person by making them our inspiration. But, the big point i want to discuss in this topic is, everybody is really getting obsessed with it.

Sunday, 8 October 2017

Perkembangan dan Inovasi Transportasi Darat Berbasis Rel

Artikel ini saya tulis guna memenuhi tugas Mata Kuliah Inovasi Sistem Informasi dan New Technology Semester 3, Jurusan Sistem Informasi, Universitas Gunadarma.

Disusun Oleh

Ersa Alfathona (12116380)
Noviani Wiandari (15116499)
Muhammad Raihan (15116026)
Raihan Pramudya (16116013)


A. Sejarah Kereta Api

            1. Sejarah Kereta Api Dunia

Pada abad ke-18, setiap tambang di Inggris memiliki jaringan kereta api sederhana sendiri, dengan kuda sebagai tenaga penarik gerobak dari tambang ke pabrik. Pada tahun 1774 James Watt memperkenalkan penemuan mesin uap stasioner pertamanya ke seluruh dunia. Kemudian pada tahun 1800-an beberapa ahli mesin uap berhasil memodifikasi mesin uap rancangan Watt, dengan merancang ruang bertekanan tinggi non-kondensasi yang memungkinkan mesin untuk mengkonversi lebih banyak energi uap menjadi energi mekanik.

Matthew Murray

Sunday, 4 June 2017

After Hurricanes 🌩️ , Comes A Rainbow 🌈

     Mungkin beberapa dari kalian ada yang membaca judul postingan ini dan teringat dengan lagu "Katy Perry - Firework". Yap, betul sekali, lagu tersebut memang memiliki pesan yang cukup kuat untuk membuat seseorang bangkit dari masa kelamnya. Disini, gue ingin berbagi pengalaman ketika gue sedang berada di tahun tahun terberat yang mungkin pernah gue rasain sampai sekarang ini. Postingan ini gue tujukan untuk lo semua terutama SMA/SMK angkatan 2017 yang sedang menjadi ujung tombak dan harapan terbesar bagi orang tua.

     Saat pengumuman kelulusan tiba, tentu semua orang sangat mengharapkan predikat kelulusan tersebut dengan nilai yang cukup memuaskan, dengan pengumuman SNMPTN (Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri) berstatus diterima, atau, mendapatkan predikat kelulusan pada SBMPTN (Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri) maupun Ujian Mandiri PTN yang diselenggarakan oleh pihak kampus. Mungkin bagi yang belum tau perbedaan seleksi-seleksi yang gue sebutkan tadi, gue akan menjelaskan secara singkat definisi dan teknis dari seleksi tersebut.

Museum Olahraga Nasional

Tulisan ini saya post untuk melengkapi nilai tugas mata kuliah Ilmu Budaya Dasar semester ATA2016/2017

Anggota Kelompok: Raihan Pramudya
                                              Dimas Rizki
                                  Ahmad Wildan
                                  Mochammad Fahri
                                  Rizka Khusnulkhotimah

Kelas 1KA13

Thursday, 4 May 2017

After All This Time

A Poetry, written by @nadilanee

     Hello, Guys. Have you ever been trapped in flashback moment with people who you love? Well, maybe most people being haunted by their good ol' days with someone who has coloured their life and wrote those beautiful memories. But someday and somehow they just left you alone in the dark, when you're down, changed their path and write another chapter on a different book. Well as you can see this poetry will represent those feelings just like The Script's song called "The Man Who Can't Be Moved". Things that you need to learn from this post are, life must go on, you should keep moving on, and never let those memories from the past haunting your mind.

After All This Time
Nadila Erningtiyas

From all the things i've gone through, it's still you
I still search for you, in every song i hear
I still picture you, in every book i read
I still, and always will, think of you whenever i have something to talk about
After 2 years
It's still you
I thought that i would be able to forget you in few months
It's been almost a year actually
No matter how cruel you left me back then, i still cant hate you for that. I still tell myself that you did that for a reason
And lately, i know what your reason is
It's her

So, what do you think? Are you on Nadila's side? 
I'll see you on the next post!

Sunday, 2 April 2017

My Cutie Pies Companion

          Hello, Guys! Kali ini gue mau cerita tentang anak-anak gue (hewan peliharaan, maksudnya) yang kurang lebih sudah 3 tahun gue rawat dengan penuh cinta dan kasih sayang. Sebelum gue cerita, gue kasih info dulu tentang hewan apa yang sudah gue pelihara ini.

         Yap, Petaurus breviceps atau bahasa kerennya Sugar Glider (SG) yang mungkin sudah tidak asing di telinga kalian merupakan hewan mamalia berkantung yang berasal dari kawasan Papua-Australia. Jadi, mamalia ini memang berkerabat dengan Possum, kangguru, koala, dan hewan mamalia khas Australia lainnya. Sesuai dengan namanya, Sugar Glider, hewan ini memang terlihat manis dan imut untuk dipelihara, dan jika diperhatikan sejenak, hewan ini memiliki ciri khas seperti tupai terbang, yaitu mempunyai sayap (glide). Jangan salah sangka ya, sayap disini bukan berarti  sayap untuk terbang ya, tetapi membantu hewan ini untuk melompat tinggi dan jauh dari satu dahan ke dahan yang lain di alam liar.